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MrsJoseph: Books, Life & Wine

I’m currently on the run from the Amazon Empire. The Empire recently used it’s planet sized money to destroy devour my previous safehouse: Goodreads.


I read a lot. Have a bit of a tendency to review as well. So…this is mostly a book review site. Unless its not. But I’m not taking review requests.


Cause sometimes I’ll write about whatever I feel like, book or no.


Things I [currently] like:


So, I’ll talk about that stuff. Unless I don’t.


That “life” part in the site title is all about flexibility, lol.

Currently reading

Mistborn: The Final Empire
Brandon Sanderson
Starting Strength, 3rd edition
Mark Rippetoe
Amanda Quick
Progress: 25 %

Zombie classification chart!

Reblogged from Ceridwen:

I love how IMMEDIATELY dorks jump in claiming that this-or-that creature is not a zombie. People are so determined to police the semantic boundaries around zombies, more so than any other creature out there. Maybe it's because zombies are often a stand-in for racial or economic divides, and we (possibly I mean Americans here) are deeply kinked about the semantic boundaries of those too. Either way, this chart is pretty sweet.