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MrsJoseph: Books, Life & Wine

I’m currently on the run from the Amazon Empire. The Empire recently used it’s planet sized money to destroy devour my previous safehouse: Goodreads.


I read a lot. Have a bit of a tendency to review as well. So…this is mostly a book review site. Unless its not. But I’m not taking review requests.


Cause sometimes I’ll write about whatever I feel like, book or no.


Things I [currently] like:


So, I’ll talk about that stuff. Unless I don’t.


That “life” part in the site title is all about flexibility, lol.

Currently reading

Mistborn: The Final Empire
Brandon Sanderson
Starting Strength, 3rd edition
Mark Rippetoe
Amanda Quick
Progress: 25 %

The 14 Stages of Book Addiction from Buzzfeed!!

Reblogged from Ned Hayes Writing:

1. You buy a book you’ve heard a lot of buzz about and figure you’ll just try it out.

The 14 Stages Of Book Addiction

2. You’re a few pages in thinking “I mean, I don’t really see what all the fuss is about.”

The 14 Stages Of Book Addiction

3. Fifty pages in and now you need to know what happens. You NEED to know.

The 14 Stages Of Book Addiction
Nickelodeon / Via giphy.com

4. You look forward to even a few minutes of downtime because that is precious reading time.

The 14 Stages Of Book Addiction

5. Sleep is no longer important since these late hours in the night are when no one disturbs you and asks “what are you reading??” as if holding a book in front of your face is not enough of a ‘please do not disturb’ sign.


The 14 Stages Of Book Addiction

6. An internal conflict starts to develop as part of you wants to know how the story ends and the other part of you can’t bare the thought of life without this book.

The 14 Stages Of Book Addiction

7. You become unhealthily attached to the main characters, especially if the narrator is in love with the novel equivalent to your prince charming.

You become unhealthily attached to the main characters, especially if the narrator is in love with the novel equivalent to your prince charming.

8. You think you might love a character more than you love your actual boyfriend.

The 14 Stages Of Book Addiction
Disney / Via tumblr.com

He just gets you in a way that can’t be explained to the mentally stable

9. You start to become the book’s biggest marketing tool as you preach about the literary masterpiece to your friends.

The 14 Stages Of Book Addiction

“Oh my god you have to read this book! NO LIKE YOU HAVE TO!”

10. Reality is no longer of importance. Your taxes can wait, the main characters are in danger!!

The 14 Stages Of Book Addiction

11. If something tragic happens to the main character or your book boyfriend, you cry for your loss and because literally no one around you cares about your mental anguish.

The 14 Stages Of Book Addiction
BBC / Via giphy.com

12. You finish the book and your heart aches as you say goodbye to those characters forever.

The 14 Stages Of Book Addiction

13. Walking into a bookstore afterwards is like being thrown back into the dating world after getting dumped.

The 14 Stages Of Book Addiction

14. You find a flaw in every book you pick up and realize you’re just not ready to get back out there.

The 14 Stages Of Book Addiction
Fox / Via giphy.com


The 14 Stages Of Book Addiction
The CW / Via giphy.com


The 14 Stages Of Book Addiction

*repeat stages 1 through 14*

The 14 Stages Of Book Addiction


Source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/kalialicia/the-14-stages-of-book-addiction-f9n7